Sunday 14 December 2014

Advantages and disadvantages of technology in life

Technology means that something which reduces the man’s effort in any process of the world, with the faster and reliable faces.  In short, technology related to the advanced equipment and tools/ machines used in any industry, field and community.
There are huge numbers of examples available in our surroundings which are a part of technology. For example, the daily life comprises of technology like cell phone, computer, AC, televisions, refrigerator which cover the needs of almost all the people in the world.

Advantages :

1. Inventions and Discoveries

Technology is basically meant to provide the automation to the people and thus the major inventions and discoveries in various fields have been done by the people themselves. Technology has thus helped in the betterment of communication, machinery (industrial), gadgets and much more. 
The importance of technologies can be judged from the inventions made by humans till now.
The communication part has inventions like computers, cell phones, internet and others.  These sources are very fast and reliable. In ancient communication systems, the usage of post was used to send letters to your dears, which took week or more.
 However, internet, computers and cell phones have converged the world with communications occurring in few seconds.
Other inventions include the cars, engines in the transport side, televisions, refrigerators, air conditioners, telescopes, microscopes and much more.
2. Education is easier
When the technology is connecting the whole world, the education is also becoming very simpler. Modern times education is done on the tablets, computers. The vast internet is the source of the education for the students and other aspirants.
You can get any information from the internet. You have search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and more to get the solutions of your questions. Even the electronic books (ebooks) can be used to study rather than to use the original book.
So, technology has really improved the world of students. The students thus feel the importance of technology in their lives which according to them has a vital role. 

3. A Blessing to mankind

Technology has evolved as blessings to the mankind in the modern times. Technology has reduced the manual efforts in the industries, agriculture and other fields. You would have noticed that the luxury items due to the technology have been serving so much comfort in your daily lives that you do not even need to clean your teeth with the fingers (as in the older periods) as you have a tooth brush to do the cleaning work for you. 


1. Increasing Dependency

Since, technology has made the people lazy by providing the comfort and luxury items, it is exploiting the mankind’s hand working ability. Moreover, people are now fully dependent on the systems.
Example, internet is the major source of communication worldwide. Suppose if internet gets affected for one day, many companies will lose billions of money. So, that is because of technology increasing dependency.

2. Health

Health is also being exploited by the technology. People do not feel to do the simple task themselves. They use the cars, vehicles for the short distances too. Health is being effected by the over use of electronic gadgets such as phones, desktops and televisions.
A cut with the outer world has probably affected the most to one’s health.
So, the above are the two aspects of the technology. However, I believe that the disadvantages of technology are self-created by humans. We can overcome the disadvantages of the technology by reducing the dependency on it and working the easier tasks ourselves.

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